“Why do you see the speck in your neighbour’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?”

-Matthew 7:3

Peace be with you Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Right now we are in the middle of an in-between time. We’re halfway between two big seasons on our church calendar: Christmas and Lent. As we walk this transitional time known as Epiphany, we have been walking with the words of Christ to empower and guide us. This Sunday we will hear several well known sayings of Christ, among them the Golden Rule, but for the eNews this week I have highlighted Matt 7:3. So quick are we to judge and criticize our neighbours that we don’t notice those times when we have fallen short. As we make our way to Sunday, let us find time in the next few days to watch ourselves, catch ourselves when we are about to judge and instead seek a way to offer our support.

Even though we are quick point out flaws in our neighbors, Christ calls us to lift one another up. In that spirit the Ministry Staff want to offer deep gratitude to the women of the UCW for all of the work they’ve been doing in our community. Not just for the funeral lunches that they provide for grieving families, but also for the many things that they do in our faith community that often go unacknowledged. We see the impact you have on our community and we thank you for it!


  • -Family Night BBQ & Movie: Come to the church for a mid-winter reminder of one of the joys of the summer: a BBQ! On Saturday, February 9th all of our church family (young and old, single or coupled, long time members and people checking us out)are invited to come and share in a family friendly night with BBQ’ed hotdogs and hamburgers (and veggie options of each). Following the meal, there will be a movie for all to enjoy. We hope to see you at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 9th.
  • -Streaming Sunday Worship: We want you to feel like you can worship with us even when you can’t be in the sanctuary. If you can’t be with us for some reason – maybe you’re travelling, maybe you’re sick, or maybe you get a little anxious in a new place and want to see what we are about – we hope that you tune in by following this link (which is different for the month of February) https://zoom.us/j/346651109. You should be able to hear the worship service and see what is on the screens.
  • -Reflective Bible Study: Continuing this Sunday February 10th, Eric Hotte will be hosting a reflective Bible study from 9:15 am until 10am in the church office. Following the study, there will be a prayer group from 10am until 10:20 am. Absolutely everyone welcome! Eric will lead in the reading, which will focus on the scriptures for the weekly sermon. Watch the “Word” come alive. This Sunday February 10th the reading will be Matthew 7:1-14, 24-29. Come for either the study or prayer group. No experience necessary. It will be a relaxed environment guaranteed.
  • -Blanket Exercise: Please sign up for our Blanket Exercise – a non-threatening, participatory history lesson that fosters understanding and respect among Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples. Tuesday, February 12 at 2 p.m. in the downstairs gym.
  • -Annual Meeting: On February 17th, we will have our annual meeting of St. Paul’s United church. It will take place in Fraser Memorial Hall following worship, and there we will look at the budget for 2019, talk about the future, and elect new members to the Board and to be our Regional Representatives. The storm date for the annual meeting is February 24th.
  • -Positions open to serve: As we approach the Annual Congregational Meeting (February 17th following worship), there are a number of positions that we need to fill and we ask that you prayerfully consider how you may serve. Currently we are looking for the following positions:
    • -3 Board Members
    • -Board Chair
    • -Treasurer (also a member of the Board)
    • -Ministry & Personnel Member
    • -Regional Representatives (3)

If you have questions about these positions, contact you Ministry Team (Rev. Michelle & Rev. Richard), and watch the bulletin on February 3rd and 10th. On those Sundays we will include bulletin inserts with position descriptions.

  • -Retirement Home Services: One of the most important things about a faith community is to stay connected with members who have been dedicated for years but can’t get in to worship regularly anymore. Early in February we have 2 opportunities to share in prayer, praise, and song with brothers and sisters in retirement homes. Check the dates and times below to see if you can come and add your voice.
  • -Windsor Court: Thursday, February 21st @ 10 a.m.


Since mid-December, St.Paul’s has been opening our doors to those who are out in the streets on these cold winter nights. We have had some great volunteers, but we still have a number of positions open between now and March 31st, and we hope that you can help us to fill them by following the link below:
http://www.connectfredericton.ca/need/detail/?need_id=392812 Right now we have urgent need for the following dates:

  • -Saturday, February 16th
  • -Monday, February 18th

There are many gaps later in February and throughout March. We ask that you make a commitment to doing one night before March 31st, especially if you haven’t done one already.

In worship this week, Rev. Richard will be absent as he will be with the people Nashwaaksis United Church. Today they vote on a recommendation being made by their Joint Search Committee. Please hold our brothers sisters of this community in prayer as they discern their future together.

As we strive to lift one another up for the work we are all doing in Christ’s name, let us also hold one another in prayer for work that takes patiences, risk, and sacrifice:

Teach us O Christ to walk beside you as we make our way from day to day.
Give us the strength that we need to support one another.
Give us the courage that we need to acknowledge our own brokenness and seek wholeness in you.
Give us the passion that we need not only to follow you on your way but to encourage others to join us.
All this we ask of you our teacher, our Saviour, O Christ. AMEN

Yours in Christ

Rev. Michelle & Rev. Richard

The bulletin for this week is available for download here.