Then he went about among the villages teaching. He called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits.
– Mark 6:6b-7
Kindred in Christ,
What does following Christ mean? Throughout our scripture it involves loving God and serving others. Jesus was constantly encouraging and sending his disciples into the world to act. To multiply, his leadership and spread his message. This week I was reading an article about myths about church growth. One of the items that they highlighted is that growth happens only because of having amazing ministers. The reality is that ministries flourish because of the people in the congregation. People who take the message of Jesus on the road in their lives and service.
This week alone many congregation members have used the gifts and talents to serve in Christ’s name. The pantry team Lois, Dow, Debbie and Nancy served 12 people, Harold brought in some new urns that he makes with proceeds going to the church and he has offered to people in financial need , Patty played piano for the nursing home services at the Shannex complex enriching worship, Ron has ensured the out of the cold has run every night, 5 brown bags made by Maud were handed out through the office, and Donna was reminding UCW members about the World Day of Prayer Bible study. Jane has been working on some strategic planning for the congregation, Mary picked up the new Sunday school curriculum, and Andrew has been working with the Trustees to set up a meeting time. There were also several people who came to the office to serve financially bringing in missed offerings or transferring shares to the church to ensure that all our ministries are funded. Then on Sunday a whole team of people come together to make worship happen. Cathy, Jennifer, Donna and Mike will be leading the youngest in our midst during service, Natalie is reading, Susan, Graeme, Gail, Ralph, Isabell, Ann and Harold will be collecting offering, our choir is singing, and M&P is on Coffee. And these are only the ways we know people have served this week, we are sure that there were many other moments of ministry and service that people have been doing behind the scenes and out of our view.
One of the questions to ask this week is “how am I using the gifts and skills I have to follow Christ and serve God?”
There are many ways that we can use our gifts and skills. Within the church, is there a ministry that you care deeply about? Maybe they could use a new committee member or just someone to serve at an event. Don’t have one passion, not a problem, pick an event or activity and let the contact or office know you want to help. Here are the opportunities and activities coming up at St. Paul’s….
February 23rd Organ Event at 2:30pm in memory of David Drinkell. He was part of our music ministry through the silent films.
Pancake supper February 26th 5:30 going to be so much fun!
Ash Wednesday service February 26th 7pm all welcome!
Donation of Stock Shares to St. Paul’s, We have Church members who donate stock shares to St Paul’s and this is greatly appreciated. There is a big advantage in doing so as a donation of shares does not trigger capital gains and the donor receives a regular donation receipt for the full amount for income tax purposes. Please contact Eric Hotte for more details.
The Terry Pond Memorial fund was created in memory and as a legacy.,The goal is to purchase a new piano for the sanctuary, with the hope of moving the current piano to the hall and allowing us to advertise this hall as a desirable place to teach lessons, hold recitals and smaller scale events. All funds in that will be going to this purpose.
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