“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field.  Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”   – Matthew 13:31-32    

Peace be to you Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
In case you missed it, over the last few weeks Alanna Palmer has met with UCW and a group of men to provide some information about land acknowledgment and invite people to attend the blanket exercise to learn more about the history of how the government of Canada and First Nations communities have engaged the land on which we stand.  From these meetings one of the learnings for many was that a land acknowledgement is not an apology.   The Blanket Exercise was developed by the KAIROS  in response to the 1996 Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples report. KAIROS Canada is a confederation of 10 churches and religious organizations working to promote justice and human rights.  The KAIROS Blanket Exercise™ program is a unique, participatory history lesson – developed in collaboration with Indigenous Elders, knowledge keepers and educators – that fosters truth, understanding, respect and reconciliation among Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples as it teaches the history few of us were taught in school.  On Tuesday afternoon a group of members from St. Paul’s gathered to participate in this rich experience as we seek to understand more fully the call for us to engage in a land acknowledgement like those experienced in other public places including some churches.  The blanket exercise was well received and everyone walked away learning something new. 

Would you like a copy of our Old Hymn Books?  We have several that are needing to be rehomed…if you would like one please collect it from the church by March 10th after that date they will be removed from the Church. 

Speaking of the past and the present Don’t Miss the Annual Meeting THIS SUNDAY,  February 17th,  in Fraser Memorial Hall following worship. We will review the past year,  look at the budget for 2019, talk about the future, and elect new members to the Board and to be our Regional Representatives. The storm date is February 24th.

There are a lot of important dates and activities coming up so check out the list and mark your calendars:               

  • -Annual Meeting:  This Sunday, Feb 17!
  • -Family Day: church closed, February 18 
  • -February 24th is BRING A FRIEND SUNDAY and Potluck.   Join us for worship and offer to pick someone up and bring them with you on your way in.   Come early 10:10am to join as our little band leads us in a sing along. 
  • -Streaming Sunday Worship: We want you to feel like you can worship with us even when you can’t be in the sanctuary. If you can’t be with us for some reason – maybe you’re travelling, maybe you’re sick, or maybe you get a little anxious in a new place and want to see what we are about – we hope that you tune in by following this link (which is different for the month of February) https://zoom.us/j/346651109. You should be able to hear the worship service and see what is on the screens. 
  • -Reflective bible study:  Spend time with the word of God, think about what it is saying to you today and what God may be saying through the scripture.   No bible experience needed. Join Eric Hotte at 9:15 am until 10am in the church office. Each week the focus on the scriptures for that day, participants say the service takes on a new meaning.  Next Sunday, Feb. 24th the reading will be Matthew 14:13-33.  Following the study, there will be a prayer group until 10:20am. Absolutely everyone welcome! Come to one or both of these exciting and faith building opportunities  
  • -Retirement Home Services: One of the most important things about a faith community is to stay connected with members who have been dedicated for years but can’t get in to worship regularly anymore.  Check out these upcoming times and dates to share in prayer, praise, and song with brothers and sisters in retirement homes. Check the dates and times below to see if you can come and add your voice.  
    • -Windsor Court: Thursday, February 21st @ 10 a.m.
    • -Shannex (Please Note Time Changes):  March  7th @ 10:00am in Frederic Hall and  10:45am in Governor Hall  
  • -UCW Bridge Luncheon March 16th @ Noon.  Book your table today! 
  • –  Family Pizza and Scavenger Hunt hosted by the engagement committee will take place on March 16th. Watch for more details. 
  • ———–Lenten Opportunities: Coming very soon  —————      
  • -Lenten Film Series join us as we show a variety of films exploring our faith and themes of Lent.  There will be three family friendly movies showing at 2pm on  March 3rd  (Prince of Egypt),  March 24th  (Wall-E),  April 7th (Inside Out).   And three Adult/mature audience showings at 7pm March 10 (The Green Mile),  March 31st  (Arrival) and  April 14th (Calvary).   Each film will be followed by discussion on the film.    
  • Lenten online Bible Study: Winter makes it hard to get out even on a good day. So, join Rev. Richard online and share the Good News as we engage with and experience the Word together. We will be meeting online on Monday’s at 7:30 p.m. beginning on March 4th. The link to the study is https://zoom.us/j/280179122 and you can check anytime before the meeting to make sure your computer/phone/tablet works. Just make sure the sound is turned on. May we walk with Christ on this journey through Lent. 
  • -Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper March 5th in Fraser Memorial Hall @ 5:45 pm .  Join us for this congregational meal and annual pancake flip off.  Free will offering will be collected.   
  • -Ash Wednesday Service 7:00pm Sanctuary- join us as we mark the beginning of the 40 days of Lent with this reflective service in which we are marked with the Cross.     
  • -Special Services of Healing –  Lent is a great time to lift up to God that which is holding us bound and holding us back.   This year we will be hosting 3 special services of healing the evenings of March 27th, April 3rd and April 10th @ 7:30pm. 

This week in worship we will be turning to Matthew 13:24-43, where Jesus tells us parables of the Wheat and the Weed, the mustard seed and yeast.   In these parables we are called to patiently grow were we are planted as we await the time of harvest and reminded that even small things can make a big difference.    Think about how this has worked in your own life, the smile of a young child that lifts your spirits after a hard day or the thinking of you card that comes when you are feeling alone.  These small acts can feel like the world.   Then there are those small acts that are like a rock thrown into water, where the ripples radiate out from the center, like the rock that sinks to the bottom will never see the ripples, we never fully know the ways in which our small acts of care radiate out into the world effecting directly or indirectly others around us. 

As we strive to listen to God’s call on our lives, let us remember that even amongst the stress and uncertainty that we find ourselves living in, our smallest actions done in faith may ripple beyond our knowing and expand into something bigger than we ever imagined.   On this note let us pray   

Creator God, who sowed the seeds of this world, 
who tends to the fields as they grow.   
We come before you not just seeking for your care,      
but longing to be in your  presence and walk in your way.       
You have blessed us not just by your faithfulness as we live this life,  
but also blessed us to be your hands and feet.  
Help us to reach out sending ripples of your love and care into the world,       
that we may be like the yeast that makes bread rise.    
Show us how like the plant that comes from the mustard seed,     
our small acts done in faithful service end up being bigger then we can imagine.
Help us to walk in your ways and bring honour and glory to your name,   
this we pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.         

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Michelle & Rev. Richard

The bulletin for this week is available for download here.