And Paul went in [to the synagogue], as was his custom, and on three sabbath days argued with them from the scriptures, explaining and proving that it was necessary for the Messiah to suffer and to rise from the dead, and saying, “This is the Messiah, Jesus whom I am proclaiming to you.”  Acts 17:2-3


Hello Easter People!

In this week’s scripture Paul goes to worship as he normally does, in this he talks with others about the scripture, sharing what he understands of what Jesus has done for us in the suffering on the cross and rising from the dead. We have not been able to go into the sanctuary as we normally do, but we have continued to gather and speak to what Christ has done for us and how God continues to work for us even in this time.


As we have continued to hear good news on the COVID front and details around what a reopening of our province might look like, we want to remind you that we as the church will likely be meeting digitally for a while. We have worked out some of the major technical glitches last week, so if you had a negative experience please try us out again. For further details please check out the COVID update sent out earlier this week. I also wanted to follow-up on a ministry opportunity that was discussed several weeks ago in a COVID update – As we move into the recovery phase facial masks are going to be the norm. We know of at least one person who has committed to making some masks for those in need. IF you need a mask  or would like to help make masks for those in need please let Rev. Michelle know. Instructions on making masks can be found at There are also many videos that you can find by goggling homemade masks. Let’s work to ensure that everyone has access to a mask. Together we can do this!


We also recognize that even with the good news that we can have closer contact with at least one other family that for many we might be entering a phase that might be more trying emotionally and psychologically. If you are finding this time a challenge know that you are not alone. If you are grieving over things that you have missed or will miss this is not a failure of faith but a real and perfectly normal response to our reality. If you are finding your relationships at home strained and yourself a little short with each other, this too is common. Your ministers are here to talk and support you in this time, just give us a call Rev. Richard at 262-2150 and Rev. Michelle at 259-7602.  


If you have children, know that they too may be experiencing grief over the loss of regular activities they normally do, the school year being canceled, and not seeing their friends and extended family. Through UCC East we have an opportunity to take the Rainbows training to be a facilitator for their grief program, if you are interested in this type of supportive ministry or being involved in a ministry of grief support (especially for children) please contact Rev. Michelle ASAP as training will be provided in the next  couple of weeks, or 259-7602. For Parents looking for more information to support their kids  check out the family Facebook groups for information on children and grief which will be posted later today.


As we head into May we are also in the final month before Rev. Michelle goes on maternity leave, we are mapping out what the next year might look like.  We are looking for people to be engaged with the ministry of the church in the same ways as while Rev. Richard was on Sabbatical and filling in some of the gaps we identified during that time. We are currently recruiting to keep the caring phone calls going after COVID restrictions have ended to ensure that people continue to be connected to the congregation and identifying presiders for Sunday worship, especially once we are back in the sanctuary.  If you would like to be involved, please contact Rev. Richard or Rev. Michelle to find out more or to serve in these important ministries.  


Rev. Richard has also reached out to the care homes that we regularly have contact with and while we cannot go and lead services, they were excited to hear that we could record a service for their residence. This week Rev. Richard created the first digital Care Home worship which will be sent to the recreation coordinators to enhance the life of those in care.


As we continue to adapt our ministry in this time to serve the needs of the congregation and even as we look ahead to when we are back together and continue to make future plans, we are strongly encouraging you this coming week to check out one of our upcoming events or engage with one of the practices posted on the website.  And let us know how you found it!


Coming together to make something beautiful.  We are looking for more people to be involved in the creation of a collective butterfly for our congregation.  It is a way that we can come together while we are apart and see the beauty God creates as we are brought together.  To participate contact Rev. Michelle


Prayer services: Sunday @ 7pm  and Wednesday @ 10am


New videos for children and youth as well as Sunday school at home information can be found at


Check out our deepening faith activities and resources at  where Rev. Michelle has gathered and continues to gather resources for you to engage your faith click on green letters for more details. 


Please note that we are discontinuing coffee and conversation on Tuesday morning due to lack of participation.  As we seek to meet the needs of the congregation please let us know if there is something that you would like to see for virtual connection or learning opportunities.  


This week as Paul preaches the Truth about Jesus it encourages some who hear him and disrupts and disturbs others.  Join us this Sunday as Rev. Richard explores the way we react to the truth that is before us.  


As we move towards Sunday Let us pray,


O God,  

as we live through this 7th week of sheltering in place,

our normal customs have fallen away, 

yet with the good news of less infection and of restrictions starting to lift,

it is easy to be impatient, to want to get back to normal now.

Strengthen us for this time as we process all that we have been through.

Give us the courage to feel and experience both the blessings and sorrows of this time.

And bring us back to you, our source of hope and our guiding light.

In Christ’s name we pray.



Yours in Christ, 

Rev. Michelle and Rev. Richard