Welcome to the last long weekend in Summer and our first week back at St. Paul’s for the Fall. So, this Sunday come to our sanctuary for worship or join us again on Zoom (further details below). I am looking forward to us coming back into our space, regular committee meetings, and opportunities for us to grow our faith, to live out our faith!
As we do this however, we need to remember that the pandemic we have been living in is not over yet. As we learn to live with Covid if you haven’t read the provinces document Living with Covid, I strongly encourage you to do so. It can be found at https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/corporate/promo/covid-19.html
As noted last week, the board met to decide on our green phase Covid protocols, a full document will be on our website early next week. Guiding our decisions was the faith stance that we are called to care for the last and the least among us, in this case it means creating an environment that is as safe as possible for our children and those who are immune compromised. Here is what you need to know for worship this Sunday as there have been some small shifts from Spring.
- We are no longer limiting access to the sanctuary via George Street doors, you will be able to enter the church via Charlotte and York Streets.
- We will not be keeping a list of names or asking screening questions – however if you are feeling ill or have traveled without being fully vaccinated we ask that you please stay home and join us on zoom.
- We require that you sanitize your hands while entering the building/sanctuary and Masks will be required when accessing common areas of the church and throughout the service.
- We ask that you continue to social distance from people not in your close circle of family/friends.
- Hymn books will be returned to sanctuary (if you would like to help them find their home call the office 458-1183)
- Sunday school will be returning, and the children will be seated with their parents until they are dismissed – children will not be coming forward for the time for all ages.
- Offering will continue to be received at the sanctuary doors – we will not be passing the plate.
- All members and adherents who can get vaccinated are encouraged to do so, this way we can help protect the vulnerable in the community and ourselves from getting seriously sick. Should you need help making an appointment or getting to a vaccination site please contact the office.
- At this time coffee and conversation is still suspended, we hope to restart again by October.
The above will be reviewed and updated regularly and subject to change based on public health orders and community covid situation. We thank you for helping us follow these protocols and with your patience as we seek to care for our community of faith.
Our Fall Kick-off will be on September 19th and preparations for fall were in full swing this week. The UCW women got the kitchen shining, property was in dealing with concerns including a leak in the sanctuary during the rain yesterday, Sharon and I met to talk music for the coming month and Melissa and I got to know each other and reviewed some of the weekly tasks of her position. This week also brought the blessing of being able to support members of our congregation through pastoral care visits and calls. A guest preacher this week also afforded me time to plan for fall. If you or your committee had thoughts about activities for fall or is in the process of planning something, please let Melissa in the office know so we can get it on the churches master calendar.
As we head into this last weekend of summer, let us pray
God of the changing seasons,
As we stand at the crossroads,
from what has been to what will be,
help us to be fully present.
Grant that we may see the blessings of this day, this hour, this second.
Draw our attention to where you are at work,
and where you call us to join you as your partner.
For even as the days grow shorter and cooler,
You are with us, holding us, guiding us, encouraging us.
Bless this time of transition that it may be as fruitful as the late summer harvest. Amen
1) Worship announcements
2) Church office hours
3) Brown Bag Lunches
4) Fredericton Community Kitchen
5) 7th Fredericton Scouting
1 – We are back worshiping at St. Paul’s this week please read the Covid protocols in the above text. Guest preacher: Mike Bravener will also be providing special music. Worship starts at 10:30am and there will be No Sunday School (until September 19th).
A special offering will be received for Campus Ministry, envelopes will be available in the Narthex for your donations. Please note if including a donation with your regular offering it must be clearly marked so that it can be forwarded.
Away for the summer still or not ready to join us in person we hope to see you on Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86854718551 Passcode: 165090
2 – Church Office Hours: Melissa has had a full week, and a steep learning curve, but it is great to have her on board. Going forward office hours will be M-F 8am – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm. When you are in the area make sure to stop by and introduce yourself!
Please note that this Monday is a holiday and the office will be closed.
3 – Did you know that we have given out over 700 brown bags this year? To continue this ministry of feeding people we need your help. The shelves are in need of drink boxes, canned meats (with a flip top), desserts (puddings, fruit cups), and plastic utensils. Your help is greatly appreciated.
4- The Fredericton Community Kitchen is in desperate need of volunteers, they have been running low all summer and with students going back they have hit a wall…when I last checked there are still shifts for this weekend and into the fall. Call at 457-1788 for more information/sign up and ask for Cassandra or Danielle. You can also sign up online at https://www.frederictoncommunitykitchen.com/volunteer
5- St. Paul’s has historically sponsored the 7th Fredericton Scouting which meets with 3rd Fredericton to allow children to have a larger group. They are excited to announce the start of their 2021/22 year on September 14th. If you are interested in volunteering or knowing more about their program please contact them at 3rdfredericton@gmail.com