How are you feeling after yesterday’s provincial press-conference? I have talked with people who are frustrated that we are back in this situation and people who are frustrated – even angered by the restrictions being put in place and others who are relieved that something is being done and some people who are just afraid of what is to come. Regardless of how we hear the messages about the fourth wave and its impact, let us remember to be kind. This can be hard when you feel threatened or are afraid. Remembering and acting on tenants of our faith can help us. First remember you are not alone! God is with you and so am I, should you feel the need to talk or feel like you need a prayer, reach out either through the office at 458-1183 or my cell 506-259-7602.
Speaking of prayer this is one of the most powerful practices of our faith. Prayer is a way to cultivate your relationship with God. It allows you to bring your experience, joys and concerns, before the creator and in doing so you are met where you are. Our prayers are not always answered, but they are always met with love. Prayer helps us to let go of the weight of our concerns, helps us to have gratitude for our joys, and helps us reframe it all as being under God’s care. So, if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed say a prayer and know that prayers don’t have to be long and professional like the ones we hear on Sunday. The three word prayer is just as powerful. Here are a few you can try “Jesus, help me”, “Lord, thank you”, “give me _____”, “send your love”, “I need you”, “I’m giving ___ to you”. Okay, that one was 5 but you get the picture!
We expect in the next few days to get answers to what the announcement, about proof of vaccination, might mean for our congregation. Keep tuned to next weeks e-news for details. I do want to say again, I strongly recommend you get the vaccine if you have not already done so. Research and public health have shown that though not perfect, they make a difference, and you are less likely to get sick/die from Covid. I also truly believe that doing so is a way to follow our faith. You see Jesus said to care for the most vulnerable in our midst, by getting vaccinated we provide protection for our children who cannot get vaccinated. If you have questions about vaccines or have not gotten your shot because of transportation, please reach out to the office. We will help to get the information you need or get you physically to your appointment.
We are kicking off this fall, and while we really don’t know where it is going to lead… let’s embrace our theme for this year “Be Loved. Be Kind. Be You.” Know that wherever this fall takes us, we are not alone, God is with us.
Let us pray:
Loving God in all we do may we know that we are loved by you
Your wish for us is good and you are full of mercy.
Help us take this love you pour out on us and turn it back to the world
So that your kindness is reflected in all we do.
May we continue to live into who you made us to be,
Using the gifts and skills that make us unique
and take our place in your grand kin-dom.
This we pray in Christ’s name. Amen
1) Worship announcements
2) Bible Study
3) Sunday School Protocols
4) FundScrip is back!
5) Goodbye to Perry Anderson
6) Faith and Politics
7) Our website
8) Congregation Meeting
1 – Worship starts at 10:30am and will we be following the same covid-19 protocols as detailed in E-News. You can also find them on our website under “Covid-19 Updates”.
If you are not ready to join us in person we hope to see you on Zoom Passcode: 165090
2 – Lectionary Bible Study: We will be looking at the upcoming scripture reading, exploring its context and where the passage touches your life. No experience necessary just an open heart and mind. Study will start this Wednesday in the Ladies Parlor at 11:11am. Come and have your questions and insights inform Sunday worship.
3 – Sunday School will begin THIS Sunday September 19, 2021! Here is a reminder of the guidelines for Sunday School (they can also be found on our website under “Covid-19 Updates):
• Children will be with their families in the sanctuary until after children’s time in worship service
• Wearing of masks, hand sanitizing, and social distancing is required at this time
• Weekly attendance and contact information will be kept in case of outbreak
• At 11:30am, children will proceed to Fraser Memorial Hall to be picked up.
As always, if you have any questions or would like to register your child/children, please contact Cathy Davis at 455-1129 or by email at
Teachers are looking forward to seeing everyone on this Sunday!
4 – It’s not too late to get your FUNSCRIP order in before the deadline for this this Sunday September 19th! Form are available through the office or can be downloaded via our website – click on “FundScrip” tab at the top. If you have any questions or need help filling out the form, please don’t hesitate to call the office at 458-1183.
5 – Perry Anderson, our Church Custodian left St. Paul’s this week. We will miss Perry and we wish him well. Perry asked me to thank everyone at St. Paul’s on his behalf. I wished him good luck and good success in looking for another job and thanks him for his time at St. Paul’s. (Written by Ann Krause, M&P Chair)
6 – ‘With less than a week to go until voting day (Monday, September 20) you will likely notice an increase in advertisements and all-candidates meetings. There is now a candidate on every corner and social media feed! Find out which candidate will serve you and your community best by asking questions using United Church of Canada election resources found on our Faith and Politics Webpage.’ (Excerpt taken from The United Church of Canada E-ssentials)
7 – A friendly reminder that our website ( has all sorts of information like current covid protocols, weekly bulletins, link to livestream service, and much more! It’s currently getting updated so if there’s something that’s missing or you’d like to have highlighted, please let the office know!
8 – A Congregational Meeting will be held after worship on September 26th in the Sanctuary to allow for social distancing and participation over Zoom. This meeting will deal with an update on where the congregation is and a vote on the addition of a new trustee. The candidate for trustee is Bill Paterson.