Have you been feeling lately like we are living in “in-between” time?   As the pandemic has worn on and the reality that it was not going to be over quickly set in many of us into a holding pattern.   One in which the end seems so far away.   This week’s Sunday scripture finds us in an in-between place as well.    King Saul had not been following God’s directions so in response he is told he will be the last king in his family line and the blessing of God was taken from him.   The prophets Samuel has been told to go and anoint the new king that God’s spirit may reside with him.   With Samuel’s anointing of David, we now have two kings – the one the world knows and currently has power (Saul) and the one chosen by God (David).

We might take a powerful lesson from what David does in this not yet time.  You see while he doesn’t have the power of the throne, he continues to actively live and, in many ways, this is part of what prepares him for his future role as king.    Perhaps in this time of COVID when we are not where we use to be nor free of the pandemic, is God eager for us to use this time and space to prepare us for what is next.   Rather than sitting back, what invitations is God putting in front of us that we may engage so that we will be better prepared for the new life when COVID worries lift?

As we tend to this in-between time let us pray.

God of the past, present and future,
We come looking for your blessing in our lives today
Help us to move with your Holy Spirit
So that we may see and respond to your call in our lives
Help us to move past the uncertainty and tend to this moment.
In Christ’s name we pray.  Amen.

1) Worship announcements / Covid-19 Update
2) UCW mincemeat
3) Clergy Appreciation Month
4) George Street Middle School
5) Wednesday Bible Study Group
6) Gifts with Vision
7) Wilmot Church Rummage Sale
8) Remembering service on October 31st

1 – This Sunday worship starts at 10:30am.

As of September 24th, to attend in-person worship here at St. Paul’s United Church you must show proof of vaccination.  We will also be following the same protocols as previous weeks
– Wearing a mask at all times
– Sitting in marked pews
– Singing while masked is permitted

As always, if you are not ready to join us in person or not feeling well we hope to see you on Zoom   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86854718551  Passcode: 165090

If you are joining us on zoom please make sure your microphone stays muted the entire time – if not, we hear your conversation instead of the worship service.

Our services are uploaded to our youTUBE channel every Sunday so you can view them anytime, at your convenience.

2 – The UCW is selling 500ml jars of mincemeat for 12$/each.  Please contact Donna Chauvin at 458-5885 or 458-1898 to arrange delivery.

3 – Did you know that October is Clergy Appreciation Month?  It was introduced in the United States in the 1990s but throughout church history people have taken time to thank their leaders.  “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honour, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.” (1 Timothy 5:17 NIV)

Although ministers love what they do, and often feel they could do nothing other than answer God’s call to ministry, being a minister also has its challenges.  The world is undergoing many changes and challenges and often ministers are expected to be a calming presence in the midst of uncertainty – that’s a BIG job and one that can’t simply be turned off at the end of the work day.

This is our opportunity to let Rev. Michelle know that she is making a difference – here are some ways you can show your appreciation this October, or anytime!
• Pray for your minister and those in church leadership
• Ask your minister why they are a minister and what they love about it
• Write a thank you note to those leaders who have made a difference in your church

We have placed ‘thank you’ note cards both in the office and the narthex if you’d like to write Rev. Michelle (or anyone within the congregation) a little note of appreciation.

4 – This past Monday, we received the sweetest call from George Street Junior High.  Three grade 6 students called, with help from their teacher, to ask what we needed most for our pantry program.  They are doing a small fundraising project for school and thought of us!

5 – Lectionary Bible Study:  Join Rev. Michelle Wednesday at 11:11am in the Lady’s Parlor for bible study.  No experience is necessary just an open heart and mind.  Come and have your questions and insights inform Sunday worship.   The reading for next week’s study will be 1 Kings 5:1-5; 8:1-13.

6 – Gifts with Vison The United Church of Canada developed Gifts with Vision in response to member requests to be able to give gifts to relatives, friends, and loved ones that are in direct support of the church’s Mission & Service Partners.  We’ve received the Giving Catalogue for this year and copies will be available both in the Office & the Narthex.  You can also browse online at www.giftswithvision.ca.  These gifts would make lovely Christmas gifts for children as a way to introduce them to the idea of philanthropy and maybe even spark the joy of giving within themselves!

7 – Rummage Sale At Wilmot United Church On Fri Oct 22 from 9-6 and Sat Oct 23 from 9 – noon, Wilmot United Church is holding their annual fall rummage sale.  Dozens of tables will be stacked high with used fall and winter clothing, footwear, kitchen ware, bedding, Christmas decorations, books, toys and more!  All priced to sell!  Corner of King and Carleton Streets, downtown Fredericton.  Please wear community mask and bring proof of full vaccination.

8 – On October 31st we will be celebrating All Saints Day at St. Paul’s as a time to remember those who have died since the pandemic began.  If you have someone you lost or you know of someone in the congregation who passed that we might not have on our list, please let the office know.   We would also like a photo of every congregation member who passed since March 2020 if you can help with this please email or drop by the office.