Did you know that October the 17th is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty? Poverty has been one of the social issues that the United Church has been working on for decades. In July Moderator Richard Bott, wrote to elected officials encouraging them to seize the moment to roll out a universal basic income program.
“It is my belief,” he writes, “that our collective experience as Canadians during COVID-19 presents a vital opportunity…. [T]ogether we can take important steps to protect the health and safety of all Canadians going forward.” A Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI) would be payment to individuals or families by government that covers the cost of basic necessities and is not conditional on meeting employment criteria in order to qualify for the benefit. For more information check out the information on the national page ( https://united-church.ca/social-action/act-now/create-guaranteed-livable-income-program)
When I have explored A Guaranteed Livable Income, I think about Jesus story of the workers in the vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16). In this story everyone is given a full day’s wages regardless of what they worked. In this story the landowner refers to his generosity. In this scripture it is important for us to remember though that it the landowner wasn’t paying top dollar in his vineyard most likely it was subsistence wages, enough for people to stay fed and have a place to stay. So maybe it wasn’t his generosity on display but compassion and belief that all should have enough to survive. Our current social system doesn’t do this – we meet people through the pantry every week who could tell us what living on the poverty line or below is really like. GLI is a way to transform not only our social systems but society in ways that have long term benefits socially, emotionally and economically. I encourage you to learn more by going to the United Church website and join Moderator Richard Bott in calling for the implementation of GLI which would see Canada treating the most vulnerable among us with dignity and respect.
As we head into the weekend please check out the announcements below and let us pray
Loving God,
You show each of us such compassion
You wrap us in your love
Continue to challenge us to do as you do
Seeing your face reflected in everyone we meet
Through your spirit guide us to build your kingdom
On earth as it is in heaven
This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen
1) Worship announcements / Covid-19 Update
2) UCW mincemeat
3) Sanctuary Cleaning
4) FundScrip
5) Laminated Vaccination Cards
6) Bible Study
7) Book Study – Ending Poverty in Canada
8) Wilmot Church Upcoming events
9) The 12 Neighbors Project
10) Remembering service on October 31st
1 – This Sunday worship starts at 10:30am.
As of September 24th, to attend in-person worship here at St. Paul’s United Church you must show proof of vaccination. We will also be following the same protocols as previous weeks
– Wearing a mask at all times
– Sitting in marked pews
– Singing while masked is permitted
As always, if you are not ready to join us in person we hope to see you on Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86854718551 Passcode: 165090
If you are joining us on zoom please make sure your microphone stays muted the entire time, if not it is like having your cell ring in the middle of service and carrying on a conversation in the middle of prayer. Nobody wants that, if you forget don’t get offended if our tech team mutes you. Thank you in advance for your cooperation ~ Rev. Michelle
Last week we had technical difficulty with our recording but normally our services are also uploaded to our youTUBE channel so you can view them anytime, at your convenience.
2 – The UCW is selling 500ml jars of mincemeat for 12$/each. Please contact Donna Chauvin at 458-5885 or 458-1898 to arrange delivery.
3 – Sanctuary Cleaning: We are planning to come together THIS Saturday, October 16th from 10 – 12 to clean the sanctuary. We’d love your help!
4 – FundScrip: The deadline for October is THIS Sunday, October 17th. These cards make great gifts and are such an easy way to donate to St. Paul’s. You get the full face value of each gift card and the retailer donates a percentage to St. Paul’s – so it’s a win-win! Order forms are available in the office, the Narthex or click here. Don’t hesitate to contact either Carole Peacock directly or the office at 458.1183 with any questions or for assistance filling out forms.
5 – Vaccination Card: We are offering to laminate immunization documents at the church during office hours Monday thru Friday. This is a little fall fundraiser so the cost for this service will be $5. How it works: We’ll resize the original down to the size of business card and laminate it so you can easily store it in your wallet.
6 – Lectionary Bible Study: Join Rev. Michelle Wednesday at 11:11am in the Lady’s Parlor for bible study. No experience is necessary just an open heart and mind. Come and have your questions and insights inform Sunday worship. The reading for next week’s study will be 1 Samuel 16:1-13; Psalm 51:10-14.
7 – Book Study: Ending Poverty in Canada Join your colleagues/friends/neighbours in the three Atlantic Regions in an on-line book study for 4 weeks in November. We’ll read together the Canadian Senator (Retired) Hugh Segal’s recent book: Bootstraps Need Boots; One Tory’s Lonely Fight to End Poverty in Canada. The four Zoom sessions will be help on Wednesdays, November 3, 10,17, and 24th at 7 – 8:30 pm. There is no charge for the course, but participants are invited to consider making a free-will offering to the Mission and Service Fund of The United Church of Canada. The books can be purchased through the United Church Resources Centre at a subsided cost of $25 (plus shipping). United Church Resource Centre, 320 Elizabeth Avenue, St. John’s, NL A1B 1T9, 1-800-268-3781 ex 6141, Leona Landry llandry@united-church.ca This book is also available in digital form at Chapters.
8 – Wilmot United is having a couple events this month!
Book Sale at Wilmot United Church On Thurs Oct 14 and Fri Oct 15 from 10-6, hundreds of used books will be for sale at Wilmot United Church. Fiction and non-fiction titles for all book lovers! Priced to sell! Corner of King and Carleton Streets, downtown Fredericton. Please wear community mask and bring proof of full vaccination.
Rummage Sale At Wilmot United Church On Fri Oct 22 from 9-6 and Sat Oct 23 from 9 – noon, Wilmot United Church is holding their annual fall rummage sale. Dozens of tables will be stacked high with used fall and winter clothing, footwear, kitchen ware, bedding, Christmas decorations, books, toys and more! All priced to sell! Corner of King and Carleton Streets, downtown Fredericton. Please wear community mask and bring proof of full vaccination.
9 – 12 Neighbor Project: Saint Andrew’s Church, 512 Charlotte St. is inviting people to join a film series and small group to discuss “The 12 Neighbors Project”. They will be exploring one of the most important questions of our time, “What does it really mean to Love our Neighbor”. Small Groups will meet once a month during the week of Oct 17, Nov 21, Jan 16, Feb 20, March 20, April 24, May, 15 & June 19.
Small Group options are Sunday at Saint Andrews Church at 9:00 am and 12:15 (brown bag lunch), Monday via Zoom at 8:00pm, Tuesday at Saint Andrews Church at 10:30am, Friday at Saint Andrew’s Church 5:30 (over dinner) and Saturday via Zoom at 10:30. They will be following all COVID protocol. For more information contact sapc@sapc.ca or 455-8220. www.12neighborsfilms.com
10 – October 31st is a Sunday and while we will not be dressing like ghouls and ghosts we are going to be celebrating All Saints Day with a time of remembering those who have died since the pandemic began. If you have someone you lost or you know of someone in the congregation who passed that we might not have on our list, please let the office know. I am also trying to get a photo of every congregation member who passed since March 2020 if you can help with this email or drop by the office. Thank you