This week marks the last Sunday in the Christian Calendar, it is referred to as reign of Christ or Christ the King Sunday.   It is a time to remember, that Christ not only the center of our faith but that we are invited to let Christ reign over not just what we do on Sunday morning but each day, hour, minute of our lives.  Now this is easier said than done because frankly it doesn’t come naturally.   Without practice we naturally act in our own interests and focus on our ourselves, our needs, our preferences and our desires.    Jesus’ life and way however is the path of self-giving in love and at times a path of denying ones own wishes for others.  This is shown to us most clearly in the garden of Gethsemane when Jesus calls out asking for the cup to be turned away from him, then responds to himself saying “no, let your will [God’s will] be done”.

Minister types talk about practices of our faith.   This is because as we engage in the acts that from and inform our faith, it creates the memory paths that enable us to follow Jesus way more fully and automatically. Much like a soccer player who practices each small step of the game so when they are on the pitch it is automatic.  Praying, reading scriptures, giving generously, spending time in Christian community, sharing how our faith shape us to see as God sees.  This in turn helps us to discern what kind of king Christ is and what he expects of his people.

WWJD bracelets were popular when I was a pre-teen, they were designed to have youth ask  “what would Jesus do”.   This was a simple way to twig people to think about and follow Christ’s pattern of life.   The thing is it is not only kids who need this reminder, we adults are challenged this Sunday to ask  “If Jesus is King of my life,  what does membership in his kingdom entail? what actions is our faith pointing us to in our current situation and with the choices we have?”    This may seem hard and foreign at first however as we go deeper into God’s love and see ourselves as part of God’s ongoing story these questions will becomes more natural.  Maybe, one day, they may even be as smooth as Cyle Larin making the winning goal for the Men’s Soccer Team, and we will without effort show ourselves as members of Christ’s kingdom following his way.

As we head into this weekend and the shock of winter arriving at our door let us pray.

God it is cold and the nights are getting longer,
Yet we give thanks that you are with us,
Offering us the warmth of your presence
And a way of life that leads to peace.
We thank you that you invite us to grow in your way,
Instead of demanding up front that we are prefect.
As we seek your way of justice and mercy,  grace and love
Walk with us,
When we fall away from your path,
Beckon us back.
That we may walk in your way and follow your call which leads to peace and joy.
Through Christ and in Christ we pray.


1) Worship announcements
2) Message to the Congregation
3) Taekwondo Provincial Championships
4) Holiday FundScrip Orders
5) Wednesday Bible Study Group
6) Christmas Angel Tree
7) UCW Take out meal – Nov. 27th
8) Fabric and Yarn Sale
9) Wreaths in support of Grandmothers helping Grandmothers
10) Nashwaaksis Christmas Bazaar
11) Chili Take-Out Supper

Please Note:  The Office will be closed this Friday, November 19th.

1 – This Sunday worship starts at 10:30am.
As always, if you are not ready to join us in person we hope to see you on Zoom  Passcode: 165090

If you are joining us on zoom please make sure your microphone stays muted the entire time – if not, we hear your conversation instead of the worship service.

Please note that as of September 24th, to attend in-person worship here at St. Paul’s United Church you must show proof of vaccination.  We will also be following the same protocols as previous weeks
– Wearing a mask at all times
– Sitting in marked pews
– Singing while masked is permitted

Our services are uploaded to our youTUBELINK channel every Sunday so you can view them at your convenience.

2 – A Message to the congregation was sent out via email on Wednesday morning – please check your email for that important message.  If you did not receive it or cannot find it – a copy will be in this Sunday’s bulletin, and it is also posted on the website (click HERE to access it).

3 – Taekwondo Provincial Championships are being held here at St Paul’s this coming weekend – starting on Friday, Nov 19th at 6pm for set up.  They will be competing in the Fraser Memorial Hall, prepping in the gym, and limited spectators viewing from the balcony.  This event will take place all day Saturday, November 20th.   This is a closed event – meaning no extra spectators are allowed (only parents and family) so we ask that you not visit the church unless it is absolutely necessary.  Thank you!

5 – FundScrip – From the look of your recent orders, I’d say there are a few Christmas presents among all those gift cards! FundScrip makes it easy to do your Christmas shopping! Family far away? Someone hard to shop for? Send gift cards! FundScrip offers cards from over 200 retailers in various denominations. You are sure to find the right card at the right price and your purchase will result in a donation to St. Paul’s. Many retailers have increased the value of their donations during November and December; information sheets available in the Narthex. Deadline for the last order before Christmas will be Sunday, December 12. Remember, shopping is fundraising for St. Paul’s.

6 – Lectionary Bible Study:  Join Rev. Michelle Wednesday at 11:11am in the Lady’s Parlor for bible study.  No experience is necessary just an open heart and mind.  Come and have your questions and insights inform Sunday worship.   The reading for next week’s study will be Jeremiah 29:1, 4-14

7 – Christmas Angel Tree – Thank you for supporting the Angel tree program and sharing the joy of Christmas with a child. Please take your gift, with angel tag attached, to the church office this week or bring it to church on Sunday, November 21 and place it under the tree. Please do not wrap your gift. The folks at the Food Bank vet all gifts and many of the mothers like to wrap the gifts themselves. If you would like your gift picked up, please call Carole Peacock at 452-1016.

8 – The UCW will be hosting a Take-Out Dinner on Saturday, November 27th . Pick up is between 11 AM and 1 PM from the Charlotte Street parking lot. Menu includes ham slice, potato scallop, coleslaw, roll, and carrot cake. Price $15.00 Telephone Ann to order at 457-0164. Cut off date to order is Wednesday, November 24th.

9 –  The Fabric and Yarn Sale that the St Paul’s Quilters have been gathering yarn/fabric for is THIS Saturday, November 20th at Wilmot from 9am – 4pm.  All proceeds from items donated will be retained by St. Paul’s Quilters.

10 – Grandmothers Helping Grandmothers are selling wreaths again.  Nancy MacGarvie is selling them from her porch at 83 Grey Street.  Double sided balsam fir, decorated $16; Undecorated $13.  Deadline for orders is THIS SUNDAY November 21st.  Pickup Sunday November 28th.  Call 455-3026 or email  Proceeds are in support of the African Grandmothers in conjunction with Stephen Lewis Foundation and Help Lesotho.

11 – The Nashwaaksis United Church is having their Annual Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, November 20 from 9am – Noon.  They will have bake tables, craft table, silent auction and much more.  Free Admission.  You must be double vaccinated, wear masks and respect social distancing requirements.  46 Main Street, Fredericton NB

12 – Chili Take-Out Supper at Nashwaaksis United Church.  Enjoy beef chili, roll, Caesar salad and apple tart for $15.00.  Reserve your take-out meals by November 30th with Rindy or Tom Austin at 450-7151.  Pick up is Friday, December 3rd from 4:00 – 5:30pm through front door of Nashwaaksis United Chuch (46 Main Street)