This week has been heavy with grief.  As I presided at a graveside service for Hellen Little-Strasser on Monday morning I began to think about just how much grief there is that is just waiting to be expressed.  You see Hellen died over a year ago, but because of COVID the family who lived in Ontario couldn’t bring her back to rest with her husband until now.   Later today I have a service for Allison MacPhail, a former member who is also coming home to be reunited with his wife in death.

This week, I also was walking with Michael Crowther and family as he was moved into palliative care and through his passing on Tuesday.  A funeral service will be held for him Monday at 2pm. The most recent and shocking death was Marg Allen who died yesterday.

This last year has layered grief on grief, as we start to move toward a more normal way of life, we will need to unpack the losses we have experienced.  This is not always easy, but necessary for facing the future and  we need to not be afraid to express and engage with our grief because as Jesus said “blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted”

Let us pray:
Comforting and consoling God,
While we acknowledge that death and endings are a part of life,
You know how much we resist them.
Yet you call us to grief our loose, like you did at Lazarus’ grave,
To let our tears flow
To reach out in support
To acknowledge our sorrow so that we can redeem our memories of Joy.
Help us as we wade through the rivers of grief in our lives
Sturdy us for the journey.
This we pray in Christ’s name.  Amen.

  1. Worship announcements
  2. Church office hours
  3. Seeing God Summer Challenge
  4. Pantry in Need
  5. Pastoral Care
  6. Pastoral Care Team

1   This is our last week hosting Downtown United at St. Paul’s  Worship will start at 10:30am  and be available in person and via Zoom   Services will be hosted by Wilmot between August 1-August 29th.   Rev. Michelle is Preaching this week.  For online worship join Zoom    Meeting ID: 868 5471 8551 Passcode: 165090

2  Interim Church Office Hours:  We are running a reduced schedule of hours:
Monday to Thursday inclusive from 10 am -2 pm.  Thank you to the volunteers who are helping out.   We are looking to continue these hours during August until a new administrator is found.  If you have an interest in helping with coverage reach out to Debbie Allison

3 Seeing God Summer Challenge   it is never too late to start the challenge in fact attending one of the Downtown United worship services Wilmot is one of the activities and you will have your first chance August 1st.  You can get your copy of this years summer challenge in the Narthex, on our website at  and through facebook.

4 The pantry continues to help bridge the gap for many in our community, it keeps many children and seniors from going  hungry.  Because of the need created by the pandemic the pantry will be remaining open this August and we need your continued support.  Some of the biggest needs are: fruit cups, pudding cups, soda crackers, Kraft dinner, canned milk, apple and orange juice(1 L size), sardines, jams, molasses, paper towels, and cookies.

 I need your help when it comes to pastoral care and support, if you don’t tell me, I can’t be there to support you.  If you need help or hear of someone who is in hospital, is sick or in need of a visit PLEASE reach out,  even if you think I should have heard.  I would rather have 50 people telling me then not hear from anyone.  I can be reached through the office 458-1183, my cell 506-259-7602 or email

6  I am also looking for nominations for a pastoral support team – is there someone who you have found to be a big support in your life,  someone in the congregation you feel listens well and can hold things in confidence?   Are you the type of person who would be interested in supporting others?   This team is part of our solution to having one minister and will be involved in helping maintain contact with all members of our congregation.  If this sounds like something you would be interested in or if you know someone who would be great for this opportunity to serve, then let Rev Michelle know.