I wish I could show you all the delight that lights up Ella’s face as she pushes the button on the top of our little people nativity set and away in a manger starts playing. While she will not remember this early play, her brain is forming pathways that associate this hymn with joy and positive feelings. Pathways that over the years will just strengthen, and eventually she will hang memories on the well-trod neural pathway so that the sound of the carol will flood her with joyful memories. We know about that don’t we. Do you have a Christmas Carol that brings you more joy and delight than others?
In this week as we head towards Joy Sunday, I want to encourage us to take a few moments to listen to your favorite Christmas Carol. Allow the memories to flow and the Spirit of the season to rise-up in you. And when you do give thanks in prayer that Jesus truly is Joy for the world.
It is a full season, but that doesn’t mean that I am not available should you want or need to connect. Please remember this holiday season that with Covid restrictions I will not know that you are in the hospital or sick unless you (or someone you know) calls the office to let us know. I am deeply grateful for the ability to walk with people and provide support and prayer, so know your call is always welcome.
Let us pray,
God you bless us with glimpses of your kingdom
in the moments of pure joy we come close to you
We give thanks for experience with friends that make us laugh
For the smile of our children and grandchildren that melts our hearts
For the traditions that make us feel at home
And the blessings of unexpected opportunities that open us to new possibilities.
Holy God continue to allow the joy of this season to season our days
This we pray in Christ’s name
1) Worship announcements
2) December Services
3) Wednesday Bible Study Group
4) Sunday School Thank You
5) Brown Bag Lunches
6) Holiday FundScrip Orders
7) UCW Christmas Sweet Trays
8) Upper Room Daily Devotional
9) Save the Date – January 15th, 2022
1) This Sunday worship starts at 10:30am.
As always, if you are not ready to join us in person we hope to see you on Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86854718551 Passcode: 165090
If you are joining us on zoom please make sure your microphone stays muted the entire time – if not, we hear your conversation instead of the worship service.
Please note that as of September 24th, to attend in-person worship here at St. Paul’s United Church you must show proof of vaccination. We will also be following the same protocols as previous weeks
– Wearing a mask at all times
– Sitting in marked pews
– Singing while masked is permitted
Our services are uploaded to our youTUBELINK channel every Sunday so you can view them at your convenience.
2) Upcoming December Services:
December 12 – Advent 3: Worship at 10:30
December 19 – Advent 4: Worship at 10:30
December 21 – Longest Night Service at 7pm
December 24 – Christmas Eve Services at 3pm, 7pm, 11pm
December 26 – Downtown United Worship at Wilmot
3) Lectionary Bible Study: Join Rev. Michelle Wednesday at 11:11am in the Lady’s Parlor for bible study. No experience is necessary just an open heart and mind. Come and have your questions and insights inform Sunday worship. The reading for next week’s study will John 1:1-18, Word Made Flesh
4) Sunday School Mission Project Fundraiser: Last Sunday’s handmade Christmas cards and craft sale was a huge success. The children set a goal of $150 to purchase farm animals through World Vision. $150 is sufficient to purchase a goat, 2 hens and a rooster, the most popular animals per the World Vision website. Thanks to the donations of sale items and purchases from the congregation, the sale netted three times that goal and a bit more. The children and their teachers are grateful for the overwhelming generosity and support from the people of St. Paul’s. Thank you all.
5) Brown Bag Lunch Program: Our shelves are extremely empty, Proteins including canned meats (with flip tops) are top of the list as well as drink boxes, desserts (pudding, fruit cups), and granola bars for our brown bag lunch program. Drop off anytime during the week or on Sunday before worship. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
6) FundScrip: Don’t forget to bring your order this Sunday, December 12. We will distribute cards on Sunday, December 19. There will be no orders in January and we are shifting the deadline date to the first Sunday of each month. This means the next deadline will be February 6, 2022. Remember, shopping is fundraising for St. Paul’s.
7) The UCW of assorted sweets Pick up is on Friday, December 10th at the Church. To order, telephone Donna Chauvin at 458-5885 or 458-1898.
8) Upper Room Daily Devotional for January-February 2022 has arrived. It can be purchased in the Church office Monday-Friday between 8am and 3pm.
9) SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, January 15th 2022
In 2030, St. Paul’s United Church in Fredericton is ___________________. How will you fill in the blank?
Please mark your calendar now and save the morning of Saturday January 15th 2022 for a discussion with your church family about where we see our beloved church in the future. It’s time to create a shared vision and set a course. Nothing is impossible, God being our helper!
More details will follow as the plans are put in place – stay tuned!