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eNews – Friday, October 12th

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, We hope that you had a blessed Thanksgiving; here at St. Paul’s we marked not only Thanksgiving but also World Communion Sunday. This got our team thinking about those of you who are unable to make it to regular services and as such have not had communion in a […]

eNews – Friday, September 28th

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Before we get into the news of the church, let’s take time to reflect on our provincial election. Let us not be bogged down by the news of leaders vying for position. Instead, as we have taken part in the work of our provinces politics, let us pray for these, […]

eNews – Friday, September 14th

Sisters and Brothers, Last week was a wonderful kick-off to our fall season, Music, drama and food and our amazing congregation…could we have asked for anything more? We celebrated the beginning of a new year with style. This summer you were challenged to take flat Jesus with you on your adventures. This Sunday come before […]