The story of Joseph is a roller-coaster to be sure. Sold by his brothers into slavery, Joseph eventually found his way into a position of great power in Egypt, a position that would allow him to help those same brothers in a time of famine. Joseph’s story, along with many others, tell us of what […]
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Author: rev.bowley
Praying the Psalms – Tuesday August 8th
When reading the Psalms, it is easy for us to take the place of the the psalmist, the one who laments, who praises, who calls to God in thanks, shouts to God for protection. Let us continue to live into that perspective, to seek the guidance and protection of the one who watches over us. […]
Praying the Psalms – Tuesday August 1
My apologies for missing last week, but I was off on vacation. This week we look at Psalm 105, in particular where we are called to remember the covenant that God has made with God’s people. It is a covenant of love and one that we are called to live into. But even in those […]