Today in our Psalm we are invited to call on God and give thanks for all that God has done for us, and for all of God’s people. We are called to rejoice and to celebrate. In prayer, we often come seeking something for ourselves, and not necessarily in a selfish way. We need, and […]
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Author: rev.bowley
Looking Forward to the Fall
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We hope that your summer has been filled with opportunities for fun with friends and family, and time for rest and recharging. We had a wonderful summer welcoming Pastor Sarah’s baby Muriel in baptism, worshipping as Downtown United, having fun and teaching about God’s great love at Vacation Bible School […]
Praying the Psalms – Tuesday August 29th
In times of struggle or stress it is hard to imagine a way out, and it is just as hard to believe that God is with us through those dark times. In our Psalm today, the author begins by reminding the people of Israel of those times in history when God’s chosen were saved from […]