Today’s psalm looks at the importance of handing things down from one generation to the next. That which is being spoken of being handed down is of utmost importance in oral cultures, which is the story. In particular, we are looking at the story of God’s relationship with creation, specifically of God’s acts of wonder […]
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Author: rev.bowley
eNews – Friday September 29th
Greetings Brothers and SIsters in Christ! Just as our Welcome Back BBQ was an awesome time of fellowship, so too was our first Bring a Friend to Church worship and fellowship potluck. As always there was a variety of food with more than enough to go around. The next one will happen on October 29th. […]
Praying the Psalms – Tuesday September 26th
The psalm we are reflecting on today is a lament. It is a psalm that, despite the praise and trust found in the familiar 23rd psalm, shows us that the people of the time still felt overwhelmed, surrounded, and lost. We might not be able to relate so closely with a people who are besieged, […]