As we make our way into the many summer adventures Rev. Michelle and I have been invited you all to “take Jesus with you wherever you go.” To this end, over the month of June we have been handing out “Flat-Jesus” for you to throw in your cars or back packs, and are encouraging you […]
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Author: rev.bowley
eNews – Friday, June 22nd
Greeting Brothers and Sisters, Summer is officially here! With it comes the desire to be outside and to relax. It is the time of year when the flowers are in full bloom and fresh fruits and veggies abound. The world truly embodies the green growing season of the church year. As we move into the […]
Praying the Psalms Ends for the Summer
It’s been over a year since I began walking in prayer through the Psalms. I am choosing now to pause, to reflect on what these prayers have done for my ministry at St. Paul’s and for my own prayer life. I hope that you have enjoyed walking with me since 2017, and I may return […]