November 2021

Dear St. Paul’s family

We’re only days away from the start of Advent! Heading into the season where we eagerly search for the perfect gifts for those we love, we need to also think about what we can do to support our church, the earthly home of our faith.

As you may recall, when we adopted our 2021 budget we did a fair bit of educated guessing. Our revenue targets from rentals and fundraising were scaled back but still reflected the hope that some of our pre-pandemic activities would return, along with the resulting revenues. And it looks like our guesses were pretty good! The figures at the end of this October show the following:

Parking & facility fees: Budget $35,000 Received to date $27,620 Balance $7380
Other (includes fundraising) Budget $15,000 Received to date $11,162 Balance $3838

Where we are missing the mark is in our weekly offerings. Our target of $220,000 was the actual amount that was given in 2020. At the end of this October:

Budget $220,000 Received to date $148,674 Balance $71,327.

Our monthly offering budget is $18,333. Actual donations have only been over budget in two months: $18,527 in May and $18,519 in March. The other eight months range from $17,578 in September to $11,380 in August.

What this means is that we are counting more than ever on your generosity over Advent and at the end of the year. It’s important that we don’t go into 2022 with a deficit. Our budgeted costs were unusually low in 2021, as we only had to pay Rev. Michelle’s salary for roughly half the year due to her maternity leave. In 2022, we should expect to return to a normal expense budget to cover the full ministerial salary, escalating fuel (and other) costs and necessary ongoing maintenance of the buildings. This means that both expenses and revenue budgets will need to increase by approximately $50,000 – if we meet our 2021 budget.

However you make your financial contribution to the work of the church, it would be wonderful if you would make an ongoing increase now. It’s also a great time of year for a special offering gift, whether in cash or investments. Don’t forget about Fundscrip as a way to painlessly contribute to the church by using prepaid gift cards to make routine purchases or as gifts. And please support the work of our UCW ladies in their upcoming fundraisers.

We fulfil our calling to be Christ’s hands, feet and heart in our community through our contribution of time, talent and treasure. Thank you for your continued support of your church.

Jane Blakely on behalf of the Board