St. Paul’s United Church
Our Mission: Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name.
From the desk of Rev. Michelle…
Mike introduced Reid to the song The Final Countdown this summer. He loves the beat, jumping around the room and it can get quite noisy as they yell at the top of their lungs “It’s the final countdown!” These days whenever I walk into the church I hear that song in the back of my head.
We truly are approaching the final countdown to closing. My countdown goes like this: 20 days until close, 2.5 weeks to wrap up things here and prepare for our start there. And the part of my countdown filled with so many emotions is that there are just three more Sundays of worshiping in this sanctuary.
At the same time as this loss countdown is happening, I have another countdown that says in 20 days we will be moving into a new chapter of the story of St. Paul’s. In 20 days, the number of people under my pastoral care is going to double, as will the potential for ministry. Four Sundays from now will be our first worship service participating in Ecumenical Shared Ministry and eight days from now I have my first official joint meeting, as the worship committees start to plan for October 20th.
Both countdowns are happening at once, and in my soul, these two countdowns are experienced very differently. I wonder If you happen to find yourself in a similar dance between loss and gain, as we face this historic moment in our congregation’s life?
There is a phrase that says,
People do not resist change, they resist loss.
The reality of the move to our new location and the new relationships needing to be formed are becoming real in new ways as we get closer to closing. If you find yourself anxious and resistant, to the changes, instead of just saying I don’t like change, maybe try asking yourself what am I afraid of losing? Once you have identified something, maybe be curious about your answer and dig deeper by asking “why?” Because once we get to the heart of our fear/worry/grief there are often ways to mitigate the impacts.
For example, I am going to miss the rounded sanctuary. I love how it naturally brings people into eyeline and being seen makes us feel connected in powerful ways. The circle nature of the sanctuary represents for me how God calls us to draw people into the circle of love and care. So, for me, the question becomes how do I ensure that worship continues to communicate the ever-widening of God’s circle of love and care? And how do we help people see and know each other? It is the imagined possibility that these will no longer exist, that drives my anxiety over worshiping in a new space. When I know how I am going to ensure the continuation of these aspects of worship, my excitement about the changes ahead of us increases.
For many of us, it is the memories that the building brings, the thoughts connected with the physical structures that we are afraid of losing. While we cannot move everything, central items are coming with us, the communion table, the font, the cross, and the bible. And for the things that we cannot take, we are making provisions to help us remember, like ensuring we have good photographs of the stained-glass windows. I know that a couple of people were taking time to write out the stories they worried about forgetting so that the memories of events they experienced were preserved and could literally be carried with them.
These are just a few ways that we can reduce the experience of loss as we move through this period of change. As we move towards the weekend, there is a sale of items from the church open to the members and adherents of St Paul’s, see the announcement below for details. You might want to stop by and pick a tangible reminder of our time in this building. In worship, we will be reminded of our role in passing on the faith and holding onto what is most important as we celebrate the baptisms of Ella Green and Arthur and Sterling Gee (Royal and Mary McDonald’s great-grandchildren). I hope that you will be able to join us. I also want to make sure that everyone knows that on our final service, October 13th we will have communion and a special fellowship time after worship, see announcement below.
As we continue to move through what can feel like utter disorganization, let us remember that people are working diligently in every part of the church to bring us safely to rest in our new home. So as we move forward may we be open to the Holy Spirit working in ways beyond our imagination. And let us remember faith doesn’t make things easy, but it does make things that seem impossible, possible. So let us pray
Loving God,
thank you for all of the people of this community of faith
who have been working countless hours to ensure our future and make this move happen.
Send your spirit of perseverance to rest on them,
give them strength and energy for this work
and continue to call from among your people additional hands for this work.
We pray for the congregation of St. Andrew’s as they prepare for our arrival.
As we move through this transition time,
Speak to our hearts and minds
so that we are open to new learnings on how to live as your body together. Amen.
Featured In This September 26th Edition of St. Paul’s eNews
Worship This Sunday September 29th
St. Paul’s Sale For Members And Adherents.
Office Closed Monday September 30th
The Full Colours Of The Organ
Pantry Program
Brown Bag Lunch Program
On The Move!
Farewell Fellowship, October 13th
Upcoming Dates To Remember
Moderator’s Book Club Returns
Candlelight Concert Series At St. Paul’s
60th Anniversary Of The Women’s Inter-Church Of Fredericton
Natalia Delacroix And Steven Peacock At Gallery 78
The Moderator Is Coming To New Brunswick
Worship This Sunday September 29th
Please join Rev. Michelle for service this Sunday at 10:30am.
To view the bulletin in advance click here!
Can’t make it in person, join via Zoom: Password: 657067
St. Paul’s Sale For Members And Adherents.
St. Paul’s is hosting a rummage sale for members and adherents on September 28th from 10am-4pm and September 29th from 12-2pm. Come check out a variety of items including arts & craft supplies, children’s toys & games, candles, glassware, linens, furniture, Christmas trees & décor, books, housewares, picture frames, and more. The sale is in the lower gym. Please enter through the Charlotte Street door.
Office Closed Monday September 30th
St Paul’s will be observing National Truth and Reconciliation Day on Monday September 30th, therefor the office will be closed. You are encouraged to learn something new about the Residential School system and Indigenous Peoples history and culture. In Fredericton, the St. Mary’s First Nation is leading a walk in support of Every Child Matters beginning at 10:20qm and the Old Reserve and Ending at 11am at Officers Square.
The Full Colours Of The Organ
Thanksgiving, Farewell, And Halloween Too! October 4th at 7pm. A farewell organ recital by Dr. Sharon Pond celebrating St. Paul’s United Church and their wonderful Casavant organ, featuring my favourite crowd-pleasing music and special surprises. Everyone Welcome! Reception to follow. Freewill offering for the Food Bank. Facebook Event Link:
Pantry Program
The Pantry is moving over to St. Andrew’s on Friday September 27th. Folks wanting to donate items are asked to wait until October 1st. Thank you for your continued support of this increasingly busy outreach program!
Brown Bag Lunch Program
This week, the program needs proteins with flip top lids. Thank you for your continued support and generosity of this program.
Worship & Pastoral Care
Looking ahead to worship on October 6th Rev. Mike Bravener will be guest preaching for us. A year and half ago Rev. Michelle was accepted into the Moderators Re:generate Leadership Program. Seeking to take skilled leaders and equip them for the challenges of the church today and in the future. She is required to be in a residency program from October 6-11th. During this time Rev. Richard Bowley will be covering emergency pastoral care his number is 506-262-2150
Fall has officially arrived and that nip in the air these days is enough to remind us of all the seasonal chores we should be doing… picking up new filters for the furnace or the humidifier, planting spring bulbs to bloom next year, maybe you need new winter tires, or the kids need new boots… it is a busy time! FundScrip gift cards can help you with all your shopping needs while the retailers where you shop make a donation to the church. That’s how FundScrip works! Each purchase automatically includes a donation to St. Paul’s calculated as a percentage of the card’s value. There is no cost to you for this donation. You receive the full face value of every card you purchase. The deadline for our next order is Sunday, October 6th. As usual, order forms are available in the office and the Narthex or print your own by clicking here (Meghan, please insert link). Cards will be available the following Sunday. Once we settle in at St. Andrew’s, we’ll figure out more order dates. In the meantime, it’s not too early to start thinking about your Christmas gift card list!
On The Move! 
On the move and getting things done! Carole, being Carole, rolled a load of books down the sidewalk from St. Paul’s library to St. Andrew’s… A beautiful day for a stroll down the street!
Farewell Fellowship, October 13th
We’ve heard it said that St. Paul’s is the eating-est church in town! Let’s live up to that reputation one more time! On Sunday, October 13th, we will have a reception following our final worship service here. We don’t want to leave all the work to the few people who have catered these events in the past so we’re making it a Potluck and asking everyone to pitch in!
We’re looking for sandwiches… please bring a serving plate of whatever variety you like… egg, chicken, ham, salmon, white bread or whole wheat… you decide!
If you would rather bake something or pick up your favourite sweet at the bakery or grocery store, that will be fine, too. We’ll welcome whatever you choose… cookies, a pan of brownies, slices of lemon or banana bread… a serving plate of something sweet.
Please cover your sandwiches with plastic wrap to keep them fresh and put them in the kitchen refrigerator when you arrive for the service. Sweets should be covered but can be left on the kitchen counter.
A few helpful souls will set out the food after the service and tend to the tea and coffee. And just to be sure no one has to stay to do the dishes afterwards, we’ll have seasonal napkins and paper plates available.
Please note: There is no need to contact anyone to say you’re attending or what you will bring. It will be a true Potluck! Just show up. We’ll enjoy whatever we get. If we have too much, we’ll share our good fortune with residents of Grace House, the women’s shelter on Brunswick Street.
Upcoming Dates To Remember
September 29th ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hosted by Beth & Shawn Meister & Kimberly Keech
October 4th ~ Dr. Sharon Pond’s Organ Recital ~ 7pm
October 6th ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hosted by Ann Raper & Joan Crowther
October 8th ~ Office moves to St. Andrew’s
October 13th ~ Thanksgiving Sunday & Communion Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship Potluck hosted by Carole Peacock
October 14th ~ Office Closed for Thanksgiving Stat Holiday
Moderator’s Book Club Returns
Over the last year our moderator has hosted a virtual book study exploring a wide range of books and topics. September the book club will be gathering again to explore and discuss the book Maximus Canada by Doug Saunders on September 26th. For more information and to sign up check out
Candlelight Concert Series At St. Paul’s
Fever is presenting a Candlelight Concert Series in the sanctuary at St. Paul’s. Two Concerts on September 27th feature 1) Vivaldi’s Four Seasons (SOLD OUT), 2) A Tribute to Taylor Swift, and two on November 9th featuring 1) A Tribute to Coldplay, and 2) A Tribute to Abba. Tickets are ONLY available online. For more information and to purchase tickets CLICK HERE.
60th Anniversary Of The Women’s Inter-Church Of Fredericton
The Women’s Inter-Church of Fredericton will be celebrating their 60th Anniversary on September 28th at Wilmot United Church, 473 King Street, Fredericton at 2:00 PM. The Theme is “Shining the Light”. The entrance off Carlton Street has a lift device and fewer stairs and easier to get into the sanctuary. We will have the honour of Catherine MacKeil, Executive Director of the Women’s Inter-Church of Canada and Shirley DeMerchant, Past President of the Women’s Inter-Church of Canada present at our celebration. Following the Service there is a reception downstairs. All are welcome. Deborah Heustis, Publicity for the Women’s Inter-Church of Fredericton.
Natalia Delacroix And Steven Peacock At Gallery 78
Please plan to join violist Natalia Delacroix and classical guitarist Steven Peacock for Concert Bachiana Brasileira at Gallery 78, at 796 Queen Street in Fredericton, on Saturday, September 28th at 7:30 p.m. The varied and exciting program blends baroque music by Bach, Loeillet, and Vivaldi with 20th-century works from Brazil, Argentina and Spain by Villa-Lobos, Azuma, Piazzolla and Granados, among others. Advance tickets at $20 are available at Gallery 78. For ticket reservations and more information, go to or contact Tickets at the door are $25.
The Moderator Is Coming To New Brunswick
Mark your calendars because The Right Reverend Carmen Lansdown our current moderator will be hosting an event in Moncton on November 9th. More information to come.
St. Paul’s United Church
190 Years of Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name
Contact Information
224 York St., Fredericton, NB E3B 3P1
Web: | Tel: 506-458-1183 | Email:
Minister: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organists: Dr. Sharon Pond & Alexis Ervin
Church Administrator: Meghan Roebuck